: Harnessing Microbotic Technologies for Pediatric Surgery

Our Pediabots could help save the lives of over four million infants that die each year.
Can enable more advanced and safe operations on infants and fetuses.
Higher levels of precision (Pediabots don't get tired).
Quicker reaction time in cases of emergency.
Could help improve equality and outreach of healthcare.
Could assist disadvantaged groups less able to access advanced medical facilities.
Could assist those in developing countries that are unable to find surgical help.
Our Pediabots may mitigate the growing shortage of medical care professionals.
Expected future shortages of 15,800 to 32,000 surgeons in the US alone (https://www.aamc.org/media/54681/download).
Our Pediabots can work autonomously, requiring fewer medical personnel.
Potential Issues and Possible Solutions
Potential Issue
Pediabots could make surgical errors, or the surgeon could lose control of them.
Possible Solution
Our Pediabots can be made highly reliable with software verification and other resilient development practices.

Potential Issue
Information from the server that runs the Pediabots may be leaked.
Possible Solution
We will use airgap networks and firewalls to block leaks.

Potential Issue
Our Pediabots may face decisions during surgery that may involve complex ethical questions.
Possible Solution
We will use an ethical algorithm design and platforms like Moral Machine (moralmachine.net) to guide Pediabots’ decisions.

Potential Issue
Like other electronics, Pediabots manufacturing may involve pollution from power usage and manufacturing processes.
Possible Solution
Pollution may be addressed by employing the use of green manufacturing techniques.