The Future is Here
The BioBot fuses the technology of the Interceptor with the science behind plastic-eating super enzymes.
Our solution offers a way to nourish and replenish the ocean while also cleaning it up!
Here's how it works:
Plastic-eating enzymes have existed for decades, however, they were too slow at plastic consumption to be considered a solution.
We have harnessed nano-technology to speed up this process and create super enzymes that can consume plastic at the rate at which we produce it.
The Interceptor will collect the trash, which is then dropped into a bucket, ready to be eaten. Once eaten, our super enzymes excrete healthy carbohydrates and micronutrients into the ocean.

BioBot Prototype
We are becoming more aware of how single-use plastics are impacting our rivers, oceans, and water supply. Single-use plastics are cheaper and more convenient to use, this makes them harder to stop using them. Globally, we can be re-trained and introduce a policy to change our plastic consumption habits. While this worldwide shift happens, we must still clean up the mess we have made.
BioBot Prototype - Close Up

We are looking to have a Bio Bot on every boat, ship and yacht by 2030. We believe a future is possible where all sea vessels are designed with a bio bot attached. This would ensure that boats are actively cleaning while they sail the seas.
We are also working on technology that can fly. Our aerial bots will be able to fly over thousands of miles of ocean and detect mass bodies of plastic, which then would communicate and deploy with the nearest Bio Bot in the area to clean up the plastic.
We envision a world where hundreds of our BioBots are scouring the rivers and eventually oceans of the world, cleaning up what we have done, but also converting it into micronutrients for the ocean ecosystems that we harmed in the first place.
What if we could not just clean it up but also rebuild and help the oceans thrive? We could then reduce global warming and supply more food for the animals and people that rely on it.

Enzyme Prototype
Future Technologies
Our new BioBot Super Enzyme splices it with several other enzymes, to make it faster, cheaper, and more dependable. In the future, once the rivers and oceans are cleaned up, we want our enzymes to clean chemical wastewater, battery acid, and mercury from solar panels. We want the byproduct of this enzyme to be able to feed organisms below in the rivers and eventually the oceans.
We created a super-enzyme that has such a rapid plastic-eating ability that it can take the top 10 most polluted rivers in the world and prevent that plastic from being dumped into the oceans. Because the enzyme is so fast it would also need to be able to stop when we need it to. The super enzyme in its safe chamber has many applications, from rivers to oceans, to landfills. It could completely reverse the plastic pollution problem, eventually matching the pace of pollution creation. The Machine that holds the enzyme can be improved a lot too. We think as technology advances, so will its ability to sort trash and pick up more trash at a time.
After reviewing the technologies available, the Interceptor by the Ocean Cleanup organization is the best for our project, but it needs modifications, and many new technologies added to it. We want to add AI technology, drone technology, solar panels, and supercomputers to manage the enzymes and their containment.
To develop this technology we will need to first develop our super enzyme to be powerful and effective. This will require advanced technologies to be used on it such as selective breeding of bacteria, directed evolution, supercomputer modeling, AI technology, and genetic modification. We want this enzyme to make a byproduct that will help the oceanic ecosystems that have been damaged by humans.