
"We are the generation who must clean up the mess made by prior generations. It's a massive job, but our future relies on it. Ocean pollution has devastating consequences to all species of life on Earth. The time to act is now. Help us make BioBot a reality!"
Consequences - Using such advanced technology, Bio Bots, are extremely costly.
Each BioBot costs roughly 1.5 Million dollars to make and 9 months of development. We lack funding and manpower to get the BioBots produced. The labs and machinery that BioBots are created in cause pollution by using fossil fuels.
So although we are solving a problem we are in turn contributing to another one. In the future, we hope to cut down on the carbon emissions created by fossil fuels. With the proper funding, we can design the BioBots using solar energy machines. With the partnership of companies like Tesla, our BioBots can be created without causing any harm to the environment.
Other consequences of this project include:
The Interceptor machine will be large, expensive, and probably loud. It will be a little bit disruptive in the areas that it’ll be used in, but it will be effective.
Most of the waste will be collected but non-plastic items will have to be picked up from the device on a daily or weekly basis for recycling or disposal
We do not know if the new SuperEnzyme stops feeding on plastic if it will die out
The positive consequences are:
Once existing plastic is cleaned up and our BioBot system matches the pace of the world’s plastic production, the same technology can be installed into landfills and other locations that need plastic to be transformed. Its potential is endless!
The potential for scientists to take the same technology being used for plastic is powerful - they can then build hybrids of the enzyme to dispose of styrofoam, rubber, and other hard to recycle or repurpose waste materials.
Our plastic pollution has damaged not only the oceans but harmed ocean wildlife, this is one way we can build back the lost ecosystems from the bottom of the food chain up.
The nutrients we put in the water could revive so many ocean wildlife populations that are going extinct.
Imagine a world where BioBots are roaming all the rivers, consuming plastic as fast as we produce it, eventually being a reminder to people that we must repurpose, reduce, reuse, recycle.
We see a world where our oceans and beaches across the world are clear and beautiful again, where the plastic that ends up in our waterways is consumed by the BioBot, and people across the world can enjoy clean waterways and clean beaches again.