Plastic is the Problem
BioBot is the ultimate solution to our ocean pollution problem.

Cleanup is Our Thing
BioBot combines advanced science and technology to enhance the power of plastic-eating super enzymes.

Marine plastic pollution seems like a never-ending problem. The top 10% of the world’s polluting rivers contribute to 90% of the world's oceanic pollution. Plastic pollution suffocates and damages coral reefs and affects every creature from zooplankton to humans. We know that with our technology, we can reverse this tragedy we have put upon ourselves.
We have designed a super-enzyme that will tackle our plastic pollution problem by confronting the source while being mindful of the environment. Our Super Enzyme is designed to consume plastic at a far more rapid pace than any enzyme in existence at a rapid volume to match the pace of creation of more pollution. The byproduct of this enzyme would be organic matter or micronutrients that can feed oceanic life.
We have created the perfect partnership between two technologies that will eliminate plastic pollution and provide micronutrients to oceanic wildlife.