The Replenishanator
Preserving our future one tree at a time
The Replenishanator utilizes a modified drone to carry our newly designed “Smart seedling” in compostable pods, and delivers and transplants them in remote locations using drones to help reforest the planet.

Drone Modifications
In addition to rapidly planting large numbers of trees, the modified drone will also collect other data such as: temperature, pressure, pollutants in the air (to measure air quality using the air quality index -O2 and CO2, CO, sulfur dioxide, ozone,, aerial photos, soil quality measurements (, and land type. The AAI will scan the area to calculate the square feet of the location, and depending on the type of tree to be planted, we can determine how many seedlings should be planted, and how far apart the seedlings should be. For example, Oak trees need to be planted 20-25 feet apart, so for a 400 sq foot area, no more than 20 seedlings should be planted. Pine trees or Spruce trees should be 10-12 feet apart, so we can plant double the amount of seedlings in the same square footage area.

Smart Seedling Technology
The smart seedlings will already have some roots, and will have all the materials needed to optimize the ability of the seedlings to be successful when planted. The smart seedlings will be encapsulated in a pod that is made of compostable materials and will contain water and plant food fertilizer. The smart seedlings will be encapsulated in a pod that is made of compostable materials and will contain water and plant food fertilizer.Other seedling technologies have used biodegradable pods. The reason we chose compostable over biodegradable, is that our seedlings will be made of all organic matter, and when they break down, this will also help generate more fertilizer to help the seedling grow when planted and improve the soil health in the region.

Conducting Research
The Replenishanator will also collect other data such as: temperature, pressure, pollutants in the air (to measure air quality using the air quality index -O2 and CO2, CO, sulfur dioxide, ozone, , aerial photos, soil quality measurements, and land type.
For our breakthrough experiment, the Replenishanator will also be measuring the height of the drone and the amount of pressure needed to make the pod go into the soil at the different locations to address the technology challenge of seed firing accuracy, and ensure the most efficient measurements for planting where the plant is not damaged. First, we would need to use Adaptive Artificial intelligence (AAI). This AAI would work with GPS and geo-mapping software to scan an area to gather data on the terrain, including soil density and the type of landscape. This will help calculate the distance the drone should fly to begin planting. This is important because the drone can go higher if there is a mountain or lower if there is a valley. If the soil is loose we would need less air pressure with the seedling distributor than if soil is more dense. In each area the soil density is different. The drone will have a storage drive so it can remember the geological landscape, and optimal flying height and seedling distributor pressure. This experiment may have to be repeated at different times during the year, and at different locations. Once the optimal measurements have been calculated, the Replenishanator distributes the seedling out of the seedling distributor. Over time, the drone will come back to the planting site to collect data on how successful the seedlings were at being planted and growing roots.

Employment and Education
We intend to hire local farmers to grow these smart seedlings to help with unemployment. An educational manual will be created with pictures and stepwise instructions on how to prepare seedlings for the farmers to follow and how to use the drones. The manual will also be translated into different languages (e.g. Portuguese, Spanish, French, Norwegian etc) to help educate and train the farmers on effective methods of creating the smart seedlings and drone technology in different countries. The manual will have a Seedling Calendar to help prepare the various types of trees to be planted to make sure that the seedlings are being generated at the optimal time for that seedling to be transplanted. It will also