It takes the plastic out to the soil in a natural way using few natural resources, leaving a very healthy environment for people, plants and wildlife.
PmE capsules could be used by individuals that wanted to degrade their plastic waste into compost.
FPP removes plastic particles in soil before they can enter a waterway.
Instead of using wheels, this machine hovers therefore, it does not disturb the land around it.

The batteries have certain chemicals that are toxic if not recycled properly.
Solar cells, LIDAR and GPS use certain materials that are expensive.
FPP might not work in all soils or climates.
Sound and motion from the FPP may scare wildlife or people that don’t know about this technology.
FPP’s size allow it to be stowed in a warehouse and transported easily around the world.
FPP is environmentally friendly. It doesn’t release any dangerous chemicals when being used. Hemp plants use phytoremediation to help clean soils and doesn’t use a lot of water before we harvest it for our capsules.