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Breaking Ground

In order for RMF: Leaves Change Shape (Relinquit Mutatio Figura) to work in the future, there must be breakthroughs in printed electronics, sound-changing liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) and the 4D printing process.


Printed electronics

RMF can’t exist today because printed electronics need to go from their printed form, then perform a function: motion.

When the electronics are printed there must be some encoding done with different inks that tell the sequence of steps that the leaf needs to do when it is triggered by sound waves.


Liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs)

In the future, LCEs will need to change their shape and structure to absorb sound waves. Scientists will need to pattern and construct LCEs so that they twist, fold and change in size exactly with the correct frequency of the sound waves. The shapes of the leaves must change quickly in order to absorb sounds in different environmental conditions. Each time a sound wave triggers the material, the system has to be able to work over and over again. LCEs that are made of a material that is sensitive to sound must be engineered.


4D printing process

In order to create a sound absorbing leaf, scientists must find the correct materials that can be printed that will generate motion and collect CO2. In 4D printing, you need some way to begin this transformation. These can include light, water, heat, or electrical currents. For many of the 4D printing processes you will need special materials that are able to react to these triggers. The breakthrough needed to create RMF is to have programmable materials that perform based on a printed “genetic code” whenever it is triggered by sound.

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