The Looming Farming Challenge
The world's population is expected to reach 9.7 billion people by the year 2050. This growth is estimated to create a food demand increase of 59 to 98% (1). This incredible growth will require the farmers of the world to increase crop production either by clearing more farming land or by growing crops more efficiently. More efficient farming would decrease the amount of resources required and produce healthier and more abundant crops.
The integrated Smart Wireless Agriculture Remote Management (iSWARM) system is a smart farming wireless sensor system that works as the farmer’s “eyes and ears” to automatically monitor the conditions of the soil and crops. It provides real-time conditions and alerts to farmers at the first signs of a problem. The system is low cost and completely scalable so that farms of all sizes can benefit from this amazing farming solution!
1 - (2016, June 9). Technology Quarterly: The Future of Agriculture. Retrieved from https://www.economist.com/technology-quarterly/2016-06-09/factory-fresh