Shi🍄take Diapers
Capturing COpoo One Diaper at a Time
What are they?
🍄 What They Do
Not only are Shi🍄take Diapers amazing diapers for your young ones, but they are even more amazing for the environment. We use completely compostable materials to eliminate diaper waste from landfills. The main ingredient is mycelium which is the absorbent part of the fungus that is usually underground. Mycelium is composed of hyphae and it is a safe material.
🍄 Product Benefits
Our diapers are comfortable and healthy for babies of all shapes and sizes.
We have a thin aloe layer on the top that keeps the skin rash-free and soft.
Our natural waterproof bottom layer is completely leak-proof and ensures that there are no blow-outs.
Why choose us over other brands?
Not only is our diaper eco-friendly but it is also an amazing diaper for your child.
🍄Environmental Benefits
Shi🍄take Diapers reduce the burden of landfills.
They reduce carbon emissions.
Their production is less harmful to the environment.
Our mycelium is organically grown with no use of pesticides or other toxins.