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Our product helps reduce the burden of diapers in landfills through their environmentally decomposition. There are three ways you can dispose of our mycelium diapers so that they can properly decompose in a  way that doesn’t contribute to climate change in the way landfills do. These three ways are: through a service, through the city, and at home disposal.

Through a Service

You can subscribe to a compostable diapers service that picks up your used diapers once every one or two weeks. The service takes the dirty diapers to an industrial composting facility for you.


At Home

Disposing through an at home composter is another option. Make sure only to compost pee-filled diapers, because home composters can't kill pathogens (microorganisms that can cause disease). To break down pee-filled diapers, add browns (e.g. dried leaves) and greens (e.g. fresh cut grass).


Through the City

Our diapers can also be composted through the city's compost program. Some city’s allow biodegradable diapers in the city’s compost, but make sure to check because not all do.

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