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Our Visions For the Future

Education is can change someones life, like Helen Keller's story shows. Despite being blind and deaf because of an illness at just 19 months old, Helen Keller became an author and political activist. With the guidance of Anne Sullivan, a teacher for the visually impaired, Helen learned to communicate effectively. Helen's journey serves as proof to the trans-formative power of education, showing its ability to change lives. Imagine if Helen never met Anne. She would have had no way to communicate with others, and she would have never been able to become what she is now.

Quality Education

      Quality education is our main goal to achieve with CyberSchool. People should always be able to learn what they need to when they need to. We want everyone everywhere to have the education they deserve.


Better Living

      With proper education, we think we can help communities have better houses and resources needed for a better life. Through CyberSchool children will learn how to make their home and communities a better place to live. This not only will promote living in a good space, it will promote responsibility which is a valuable skill in life.


Perceiving Potential

    We hope students will be able to see their potential and how they can improve this world through the education they receive. We believe some living conditions of our target audience might affect a child's self-esteem and influence the thoughts they have on what their future might look like. This is bad for everyone, especially people of a younger age. We hope CyberSchool not only brings education to people, but also self-confidence.

Night of Metropolitan


We hope, in the long term, CyberSchool will provide education to develop underdeveloped communities. This means not only will communities develop physically and economically, they will also change the way they think. In modern classrooms, we are taught about discrimination and inequalities. This changes the way we see the world and shows us how we can avoid acts of such. Many underdeveloped communities also remain accustomed to these standards and we hope  to change that.   A multitude of steps will be taken to get to this point but it is one of our goals we hope to achieve with CyberSchool.

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