Empowering Underprivileged Communities Through Education

CyberSchool was created when we realized that underdeveloped countries lack quality education. When we saw this, we decided to create a way people could have quality education, without access to formal schooling. 21% of adults in the U.S are illiterate, with rates much higher in underprivileged communities around the world. We hope to bring quality education to these populations because equity in education is a global concern and a human right. Our technology will help people realize their potential. CyberSchool is a solar powered device that resembles a laptop and includes an AI teacher that will understand a students needs and learning strategies and provide assistance based on the information. It will accommodate illiterate audiences by including speakers so the AI teacher can easily communicate to the student and narrate instructions. CyberSchool also includes other features which will benefit students' education everywhere, which will reduce international poverty.

With CyberSchool, we want to provide impactful education to underprivileged populations. We believe in creating opportunities for every individual to thrive and succeed. Although education is the main goal we want to achieve with CyberSchool it isn't our only goal. We have many visions of how the future will look like with CyberSchool.
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