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As with many solutions, there are both positive and negative consequences, both of which influence the surrounding communities.  



- As with any complex machine, human maintenance is occasionally required. The maintenance includes replacing the enzymes, as they would degrade over-time, producing less energy. 


- If at any point the system may not produce enough energy from the enzymes and plastic, the machine would shut down. 


- When the recycling section becomes full, it breaks off and maneuvers to another location. During that time, the items for that section have no place to be sorted into. 


- The design has an initial expense, and the targeted regions might be unwilling to buy-in on this system. 

- The CTRL-ER cleans up the communities in which it is placed resulting in less trash on land and in water. 


- Composting would result in fertilizer, used to benefit the surrounding farming communities. 


- The system is costless once initiated, as it creates and sustains its own energy. 


- The surrounding communities can flourish with the recycling materials sorted by the machine. 


- No human assistance is required for the system to operate on a daily basis. The artificial intelligence and driverless functions work completely independent from humans.  

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