Many schools keep weapons out of school using metal detectors. Using metal detectors at the main entrances of schools help to keep out anyone with a gun, knife, or bomb.
Today whenever a bad person comes to your school, there is a lockdown. When there is a lockdown, everyone has to run inside, cover the windows with red paper, lock the door, and be very quiet. It's very scary because we feel like it's a real lockdown. We don't know what's going to happen even if it's just practice, it's still scary. We would like to invent something that that will help keep us safe and not be scared.
A lockdown is a a way to try and protect kids and teachers when someone bad is in the school or close to the school.
In a lockdown:
All school activities are moved inside.
No one is allowed to enter or exit the building.
The doors are locked.
Parents may not come to the school during a lockdown.
A survey by the Government Accountability Office found that nearly two-thirds of U.S. schools hold some form of “active-shooter” drills to teach kids and teachers how to react if someone with a gun comes to the school.
Threats of school violence occur everyday throughout the country. From August to December 2017, there were more than 1,061 reported threats of violence, that's over 10 threats a day.
There were 961 reports of threats in the fall of 2017, up 9.5% from fall 2016. That's a lot of lockdowns!