Pet shelters are currently dealing with a huge problem. They are overcrowded, and at many shelters, proper pet care is lacking. Shelter pets may have to deal with small, dirty living conditions, lack of food and water, and not enough proper vet care. Since there are so many pets in shelters, some won't ever get adopted and they can be killed inhumanely. One of the main causes for animal shelter overpopulation is uneducated pet owners. Uneducated owners could send back or abandon their pet, due to not understanding them. ​
This is where our technology, PetConnect, comes in. PetConnect is an app that uses artificial intelligence to understand and translate behavior of cats and dogs. The A.I. will use Deep Learning to learn from its experience with each pet, making more and more accurate translations. With PetConnect, owners will understand their pets, making more pets have a happy and loving home.​