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From William Lyon Mackenzie CI, North York, Ontario, our four-member team brings to you Optic Nerve Assistance technology. What started off as a small, vague idea developed into the ONA project it is today and has the potential to become so much more. This project has inspired our team to consider how ideas have the potential to grow into the pillars of the future. And with that, we hope to one day witness ONA technology help to power a better, brighter future for everyone! 


Of course, we must also thank our advisor Ms. Law and our mentor Mr. Devine for all the help and support they have provided, as well as ExploraVision for challenging youth, like us, to think big and think bold!


- With great hope and excitement, the ONA team (Avery M, Daphne T, Rita X, and Katelyn X)

Avery Mai

Grade: 10
Hobbies/interests: playing volleyball, snowboarding, baking, drawing, playing with my cats


Daphne Tu

Grade: 10
Hobbies/interests: watching television, designing, getting good grades, eating, travelling, sleeping

Rita Xu

Grade: 10
Hobbies/interests: playing sports, drawing, listening to music, playing video games, reading, eating


Katelyn Xu

Grade: 10
Hobbies/interests: sleeping, eating, baking, listening to music, drawing, reading webcomics, watching television/movies

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