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Our mission is to save vision, one patient at a time 

Who Are We?


Soham has experience as a bioengineering research assistant and is responsible for experimentation, engineering, and prototyping. 


Brandon is a coding prodigy and the lead software and AI developer for the product.


Owen is a future biologist and ophthalmologist and is responsible for organizing marketing, outreach, and web designs



Jeffrey is knowledgeable about Arduino and is responsible for engineering the hardware.

Hello, we are GlaucoSolve, a team of high school students passionate about bioengineering and entrepreneurship.


Vision serves as the connective thread weaving our life experiences together, enabling us to cherish special moments with one another. We believe vision is like a candle that burns bright for humanity; vision is one of the simplest, yet greatest sources of joy in the world. Sadly, glaucoma snuffs out that joy, devastating over 80 million people worldwide.


Among the most commonly employed treatments for glaucoma are eye drops containing beta-blockers to reduce IOP in patients. However, their effectiveness is limited by the inability to predict when patients will experience IOP spikes, which can spike 110% beyond normal levels in a matter of minutes at any time of day without one’s awareness. As a result, 15-20% of glaucoma patients following these prescription eye drop treatment plans still become completely blind in one eye within 10 years of diagnosis (Susanna et al., 2015). Because intraocular pressure (IOP) monitors are only accessible during hospital appointments, patients are kept in the dark of when to apply their eye drops to reduce their IOP. Furthermore, physicians can only determine if a treatment is ineffective months after being prescribed, but by then, the patient’s eyesight would have already permanently declined. Thus, there is a pressing, unmet need for a continuous, non-invasive, affordable, and user-operated IOP monitor.

Our Technology

Our innovation, GlaucoSolve Glasses is a non-invasive, wearable, cost-effective, and remote monitoring solution that uses ultrasound transducers, receivers, and Arduino modules to monitor IOP. By applying acoustic force to the cornea and analyzing the reflected signal, we 
can compute various ultrasound parameters and correlate them to get the patient’s eye pressure. Realtime data will be sent to a mobile app allowing physicians to monitor long-term glaucoma progression remotely and
 alerting patients on when they should apply eye drops, mitigating optic nerve damage. 


Moreover, we plan to develop a model with collected data, offering AI insights into glaucoma diagnosis. By learning nuanced IOP patterns in patients with all stages of glaucoma, it allows our model to help ophthalmologists spot signs of glaucoma and predict patients’ future IOP trajectory to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments just days after prescription.

3D Prototype Model

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Physical Prototype

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Video Explanation

Technology Schematic

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Mobile App


Our Unique Value

So what separates GlaucoSolve from the rest of the IOP monitors? We hold the first wearable technology design capable of continuous IOP monitoring, with a significantly cheaper price point and remote physician monitoring feature. As you can see in the comparison table below, our product outshines each alternative IOP monitor in multiple key factors and is over five times cheaper than the current cheapest option.


The Science Behind GlaucoGlasses


Widely used in elasticity imaging, acoustic radiation force from ultrasound waves induces physical deformation in tissues- elucidating data about the elasticity of the tissue. Applying a known magnitude of acoustic force to the cornea of the eye will similarly enable the measurement of corneal deformation, as shown in Figure 1, offering insights into elasticity, which is known to be correlated to IOP (Lee et al., 2021). Four variables will be experimentally extracted from the reflected ultrasound signal, which will correlate to IOP. These four parameters are corneal deformation, flight time, amplitude, and acoustic impedance.


Corneal Deformation: The proposed technique to enable the calculation of the final corneal deformation (δ), which is the amount the cornea displaces from its initial position as a result of acoustic radiation force, is the fact that it is the absolute difference between the deformation due to acoustic radiation force and deformation due to IOP. For the average human eye, δ = 38999.76ARFPIOPT - 1116.06, where ARFP is the pressure from acoustic radiation force & IOPT is the true IOP in Pascals (Lee et al., 2021). Thus, corneal deformation should be inversely proportional to IOP, such that higher IOP is correlated with lower corneal deformation, and vice-versa.


Time of flight: The reflected ultrasound beam from the cornea has two paths: one under normal conditions (black beam in Figure 1) and another during corneal deformation (red beam in Figure 1). Due to the longer distance traveled by the red ultrasound beam, it is expected that the time of flight will be higher during corneal deformation- inversely correlating to IOP (Zhang et al., 2017).


Amplitude: When ultrasonic waves traverse through the air, energy losses, known as attenuation, occur due to scattering, absorption, and density differences at material interfaces. Greater corneal deformation results in longer wave travel, increased acoustic force loss to air, and diminished amplitude, which is the maximum magnitude of received signals, which is expected to be proportional to IOP (Zhang et al., 2017).

Acoustic Impedance: Acoustic Impedance is the resistance against ultrasound wave propagation through tissue, which results from the density of tissue and increases with higher IOP. It is calculated using the equation    A1A0 = Z1 - Z0Z1 + Z0 , where A0 = a known constant amplitude of signal emitted, A0 = amplitude of signal received, Z0 = acoustic impedance of aqueous humor inside the eye ≈ 1.48 MPa, and Z1 = acoustic impedance of the cornea (Zhang et al., 2017).

Figure 1: Scientific concept of our technology 

based on acoustic force induced corneal deformation.

Experimental Results

Experimental Setup

After engineering an Arduino-based prototype, experimentation was conducted using the apparatus shown in the image on the right. Since models of the human eye are expensive, the prototype was tested on gelatin phantoms made of gelatin powder and water- an accurate model of biological tissues often used for ultrasound imaging studies. Seven gelatin phantoms, each containing 70 mL of water, with varying gelatin concentrations (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, and 40%) were created to simulate different IOP values of the eye and the ultrasound time of flight and amplitude were extracted for each model. They were then statistically correlated using a linear regression model to the true IOP, which was measured using the iCARE IC100 tonometer, pervasively used in clinics. The results were splendid, yielding a 92% accuracy of IOP correlation with a mean absolute error of solely 5 mmHg. The research paper preprint documenting experimental results is ready to be submitted to Frontiers publication, and the design patent is in the second stage of filing. 

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 10.16.15 PM.png

Figure 2: Correlation between corneal 

displacement and true IOP. Deformation under ultrasound is inversely proportional to IOP with 75.36% correlation.


Figure 3: Correlation between ultrasound

amplitude and true IOP. Amplitude, the maximum ultrasound signal reflected, is proportional to IOP with 92.06% correlation.


Figure 4: Correlation between time of 

ultrasound flight in air and true IOP. The time of flight is inversely proportional to IOP, with an 82.2% correlation.


Dr. Sewa Ram Singal, general physician at Humber River Hospital and Trillium Health Partners Credit Valley Hospital: “This product would be very beneficial and useable from the comfort of one’s home, reduce the need of going to an eye doctor in person.”


Dr. Shaffie Baidwal Gupta, ophthalmologist at Fortis Hospital: “It is a great thinking in this direction as glaucoma is actually a blinding disease.”


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