Why it Doesn't Exist Today
There are 2 reasons why our invention doesn’t exist today. The first reason is that our invention requires an ultrasound, but an ultrasound is too expensive to put in every hospital triage area. The second reason is that our invention needs an automated blood sampling machine which isn’t available yet.
An ultrasound can cost from $20,000 to $70,000 each and there are approximately 1,300 hospitals in all of Canada so it would cost at least between $26,000,000 to $91,000,000 to get our invention into every hospital. Ultrasounds are expensive because they have multiple array transducers which send out sound waves in unison to get a resulting image of a wide area. In the emergency room, the patients will probably have an injury in one specific area so we don’t need as many arrays since the spot that is injured will be very specific and small. If we have a different version of the ultrasound which has fewer arrays, it will be cheaper and we will be able to get this invention in every hospital!
Our invention has an automated blood sample machine that can take your blood sample without nurses. The problem is that it isn’t available yet, but a vein scanner is already invented, so we could make a robot that can find the veins using the vein scanner, then the robot can insert a needle into a patient's arm and extract the blood which will be used for testing.